769 East Long Street
Columbus, Ohio

Led By:
Bradley Sowash
Registration Fee:
$110 community partners / $120 general registration
Registration Deadline:
February 1, 2012
Wednesdays, February 8 – April 4 (no class on March 21)
6:30 – 7:30 pm
Age Recommendation:
Registrants will need to know how to read basic treble clef music notation and a bit of bass clef, know how to construct a C, F and G chord. Some previous piano study or completion of Creative Chord Style program is suggested.
Class Description:This is a fun and creative approach to piano playing completely different from having your knuckles rapped by an overbearing childhood teacher. Get right to personal expression by increasing your knowledge of chords, scales and rhythms. Learn to interpret a lead sheet by creating basslines, applying “stock” accompaniment styles, inventing intros, endings and improvising a jazz solo.

Official Website: http://www.jazzartsgroup.org/jazz-academy/jazz-in-the-community/classes/piano-and-keyboard-classes/

Added by Janelle Myers on January 23, 2012

Interested 1