Hi, all beginner poolplayers out there, this event is set up specially with you in mind. I have recruited some advanced players who are all very patient coaches for this pool event. This would be a great opportunity for beginners to learn the basics including the rules & the fundamentals of poolplaying while socializing & meeting new friends. You would not feel the pressure even you have never played pool before.
No need for coaching? No problem. Here is what I am going to do. I would divide the participants into 2 groups. If you are not interested in pool lesson, I would do the regular table rotation every 45 min so that you can meet more new players. The 2nd group would be the advanced players coaching beginners. I may rotate this group as well depending on how the turnout will be. When signing up for this event, please let me know whether you would like to be in the one with pool lesson or the pure social group.
PS This is not "formal" lesson, just coaching by advanced players.
Below is the info: please feel free to email me with any questions. Our event usually has 25-35 people show up (Please ignore the number of RSVPs on the Upcoming.Org site, as I would be promoting the event through various channels)
Date/ Time: Sat April 28th 7pm-10:30pm
Location: Shoreline Billiards 1400 N Shoreline Blvd, C-1 Mountain View
Cost: $15 per person to be collected when signing in. All ladies will receive a discounted entry rate of $10 for this event.
For those who would like to play longer after the event ended at 10:30pm, Shoreline Billiards offers a flat rate of $5 per person for the rest of the evening. They close at 2am. Plenty of time for you to practice your newly learned pool technique.
The Coaches would be paying the same entry fee of $15, however, they would get to stay for free play after the event ends at 10:30pm
To RSVP: Please email me at soyeeng@gmail.com by Friday April 27th. Please include your Full name, email address, number of guests (if any) with their names. Phone number is optional. Please be sure to indicate whether you'd like to be put in pool lesson group or not. Although RSVP is not required, I would like to plan on how many tables & coaches I would need, so please let me know if you think you are likely to join us. I don't have email access after 4pm on Sat, so if you do decide to join us at the last minute, please simply show up.
How we'll find each other: Ask for Shirley or BAPBSC's group
To be notified with our future pool events, go to yahoo.com, then go to "group", search for BAPBSC (Stands for Bay Area Pool, Billiards, Snooker Club), then select to join/ subscribe to the club. It is FREE to join.
IMPORTANT: If you don't have Yahoo ID, please email me at soyeeng@gmail.com with your email address, I would manually add you as member.
I look forward to seeing you all again then.
Added by soyeeng on April 19, 2006
This is soooo kewl, I'm new to the area and love playing pool. So this would be a great way of meeting other players and making new friends at the same time. You rock, Shirley!!!! B^ )