An exhibition about one ball, two bats, a playing field and our situation in a digital world
With contributions by
//////////fur//// (D), Ascii Art Essemble (NL/SLO), Ralph Baer (USA), Blinkenlights Projekt (D), Jaygo Bloom (GB), Nate "Blunty" Burr (AU), Dirk Eijsbouts (NL), VALIE EXPORT (A), Kiia Kallio (FI), Stephan ST Kambor (D), Andrew Milmoe (USA), Josh Nimoy (USA), Noel Nissen (USA), Oska Software (AU), Alan Outten (GB), Niklas Roy (D), Leif Rumbke (D), Antoine Schmitt (F), Jan-Peter ER Sonntag (D), Mathilde ?P (NL), Olaf Val (D), Buro Vormkrijgers (NL), Philip Worthington (UK)
closed: on mondays
long opening: on wednesdays
Added by limasign on March 11, 2006