With some noteworthy exceptions, many switches have not worked out as anticipated, either for the industry or the pharmacy profession despite both parties recognising POM to P as significant. So why is this so? Many factors are to blame, including: insufficient pharmacist training, inadequate consumer marketing or simply poor understanding of the challenges that switches face. With this in mind, SMi present a Masterclass in POM to P, a one-stop-shop to get to grips with switches and ensure you learn the essential factors for future success.
Benefits of attending:
• Examine the commercial viability of a POM to P switch
• Discuss the lessons learned for future switching
• Assess feasibility and meeting the requirements for switch
• Predict the impact of a switch on Rx business & forecasting sales for the launch and beyond Stakeholder Management
• Gain valuable CPD points through attendance
For further information and the opportunity to register, please visit the website. Alternatively, please contact Zain Philbey via email: zphilbey@smi-online.co.uk or Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6722
Official Website: http://www.smi-online.co.uk/2pom-p27.asp
Added by Vinh Trinh on June 1, 2011