Everyone needs an up-to-date resume, whether looking for a new position right now or not. And it's not just the content about YOU that needs to be current. You also want to be sure that your resume includes--and omits--information and formatting that's right for 2011. If it's been awhile since you updated yours, you'll especially want to find out what's been happening with resumes while you've been busy working.
Spend an hour of your time finding out how to structure and tell your career story in a resume. By the time you're done, you'll be ready to start editing and re-writing so your document says the most it can about you.
About the Presenter
Carolyn Balling
Trainer with Lee Hecht Harrison
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on December 31, 2010
As someone who hosts Webinars, I thought you'd like to know about our website that launched in March. WebinarListings is a central portal for Live and On-demand/Recorded webinars (or really, anything that is virtual and scheduled) in any area of interest, around the world. You can list your Webinars on our site for free, or upgrade to a Featured Listing which includes additional promotion (email, RSS, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). It's a great way to find new participants for your webinars.
We are currently running a promotion for new hosts to upgrade to Featured at no charge, so I'd like to invite you to add your Webinars to the calendar this week! http://www.webinarlistings.com/how-to/webinar-hosts/#FreeTrial (best results are when posted at least 2-3 weeks in advance).
I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.
Lindiwe Coyne
Social Media Associate