Polish the Pearl On Saturday
The Pearl District neighborhood clean up is this Saturday, May 10. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. at Peet's Coffee (1114 NW Couch). Enjoy coffee and pastries while everyone gets signed up. Then, we'll distribute trashing supplies (gloves, grabbers, brooms, etc), have the "safety talk" and then get you started on your street assignments. Typically, teams of 4 or more will tackle one street from Burnside to Overton.
After the cleaning is done, volunteers will enjoy a barbecue lunch at BridgePort Brewpub. Bring a little money if you'd like a beer!
If you'd like to participate, please download the registration form, complete and bring with you to the event. Then you simply need to check in at registration and you'll have a little more time to mix and mingle before we get started.
Questions? Email lynnette@neighborhoodnotes.com
Official Website: http://www.neighborhoodnotes.com/2008/05/polish-pearl-on-saturday.html
Added by multimodal on May 5, 2008