602 West 7th Street, STE A
Austin, Texas 78701


Opening Reception:* November 3rd, Sat. 7pm - 10pm*
Featured Artists:
*Ellen Tanner
Chia Guillory
Hope Perkins
Darla Teagarden
Raymond Uhlir

*Exhibition Dates: Nov. 1 - Nov. 24th*
The gallery hours are Tues.-Sat. noon- 6pm

Pokey is 5 local artists, that have exhibited here in the past. This grouping is based on a focused and highly personalized sense of Americana. This is not a kitsch show, although elements of pop art run throughout the works. Together, these artists make political narratives, as well as plentiful historical and gender references. Pokey features oil paintings, digital prints, sculpture and fabric art.

Official Website: http://gallerylombardi.com

Added by salvo cheque on October 3, 2007

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