A seminar for women who want to create a roadmap into positions of responsibility, influence and leadership.
Join Jo Miller, CEO of Women's Leadership Coaching Inc, for a high-impact day in Mountain View, CA, and discover what it really takes for you to break through into leadership.
You will learn how to:
-Project a seasoned, credible leadership presence
-Gain visibility and reward for your accomplishments
-Build a reputation as a leader, expert or go-to person
-Understand the dynamics of power in your organization
-Navigate organizational politics with savvy
-Build your sphere of influence
-Leverage your network to gain access to hidden resources, information and opportunities
-Cultivate influence and get buy-in for ideas and initiatives
-Create, envision and lead high-profile projects.
Poised for Leadership has received rave reviews from women across the US and Canada in DC, Dallas, Ottawa, RTP, San Jose, Seattle, and most recently Toronto. Past participants have said:
"This was the best, most beneficial training I've attended in years."
"This seminar is one of the best I've ever attended. You'll walk away with a new inspiration and determination."
"Every point Jo made was relevant. We walked out with strategies for being a leader-not just in our workplace but in our daily lives."
Download brochure with full course description & schedule, http://www.womensleadershipcoaching.com/Poised_for_Leadership_12-7-09.pdf
Official Website: http://www.womensleadershipcoaching.com/pfl.htm
Added by FullCalendar on November 4, 2009