6510 Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood, California 90038

"In a nutshell: About the most dead-on dose of hilarity to ever be on stage." - LA.COM

"So hideously over the top, you can't stop laughing." - LA WEEKLY

"Point Break LIVE! shamelessly rides the gnarly breakers of travesty until viewers wipe out on the shoals of helpless laughter." - LA TIMES

"A raucously untraditional theatrical experience." - Variety

Point Break LIVE!, the absurdist stage adaptation of the 1992 Keanu Reeves/Patrick Swayze extreme-sports blockbuster, returns to its roots: Los Angeles, "bank robbery capital of the world," where "a lot has changed in the last 20 years - the air got dirty and the sex got clean."

Yes, L.A. is where the action went down in Point Break back in 1992, and it's happening all over again with a new twist.

Point Break LIVE!, the Brechtian blockbuster which garnered a "Seattle P-I Best of Seattle 2004" award, as well as rave reviews across the nation, tells the story of former college football star Johnny Utah -- Keanu Reeves in the film -- who goes in pursuit of the surfing, bankrobbing, skydiving, bare-hand-fighting adrenaline-junkie-cum-Zen-master Bodhi Sattva. The show features armed robbery, big-wave surfing, car chases, explosions, and no less than two extended skydiving sequences.

Best of all, the starring role of Keanu will be selected at random from the audience each night, with the lucky winner reading their entire script off of cue-cards. This method manages to capture the rawness of a Keanu Reeves performance even from those who generally think themselves incapable of acting.

"The worse it gets, the better it gets. Sensationally idiotic." - Seattle P-I Theatre

Sold out in extended runs in Seattle, Minneapolis, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. LIVE THE RIDE!!

Beer is served at venue - You must be 21 or over with proper ID to get in.

Added by january571 on March 17, 2010