This course takes place on Monday evenings (10 Sept, 8th Oct, 12th Nov, 10th Dec, 7th Jan, 11th Feb)
Over the course of six workshops, you’ll get a handle on the predominant styles, structures and types of voice used by poets and learn how to implement them in your own work. Completing set writing tasks between and during workshops – and receiving structured, peer-driven feedback – you’ll develop 12 poems to completion, with tailored advice on how to shape the story, and improve characterisation, dialogue and narrative voice.
What you need to be familiar with
You don’t necessarily need any practical experience of writing poetry, nor of supervised creative writing of any kind, but it’s important that you have an interest in – and enthusiasm for – contemporary (late 20th century to present-day) poetry. To get the most from the course you should be prepared do some background reading, undertake writing tasks between sessions, read the work of others on the course prior to each session, offer tactful – yet frank – feedback, and receive constructive criticism on your own work. The course isn’t geared towards any particular style of poetry – we’ll be looking at techniques applicable to a variety of genres.
Official Website:
Added by MadLabuk on August 24, 2012