Creed Street, Wolverton
Milton Keynes, England MK12 5LY

slam competition, open mic, live acoustic music, written competitions, and featured artists..

Poetry Kapow! bring you an event from the wrong side of the sheets. Bring your vice-ridden verses, your lascivious lyrics and your scandalous scribblings to MADCAP for a night of naughtiness.

Or maybe you’d like to bring some correction to us wicked sinners and extemporise on the virtues of clean living?

Whatever your leanings, bring them along for another bout of poetry slamming, open mic, acoustic bardery from scarily-talented local musician Josh Timmins, special turns from some of the brightest of our local poetry stars, written competitions, interactive art and the usual surprise happenings. Your hosts for the evening will be Danni Antagonist and Fay Roberts. You have been warned...

After the success of the last Kapow! we’re hoping to be recording the night again and giving you the chance to immortalise your performance. CDs from the last gig will be on sale, along with Monkey Kettle merchandise and all sorts of other goodies.

Watch this space for more announcements. KAPOW!

FaceBook event:

Performers on the night include:
Danni Antagonist, Mark Niel, Richard Frost, Fay Roberts, Carla Keen, Donna Scott (Bard of Northampton!), and Josh Timmins

Added by fayrobertsuk on February 10, 2010

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