131 Pine Street NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106

UPDATE!! Recap of this event is now available and includes video, slide deck and photos: http://www.ablognotlimited.com/articles/webuquerque-podcasting-and-vodcasting-101/


Podcasting and vodcasting, the online syndication of audio and video (respectively), are becoming popular web trends. In our September presentation, audio/video producer Vince Ascoli, will examine the full cycle of podcasting and vodcasting:

1. Conception
2. Production
3. Encoding
4. Distribution

Vincent will also demonstrate several examples of pod- and vodcasts, what people are doing with them and how they can be made to work for you and your clients.

Presentation to be followed by socializing at UNM ARTS Lab for those folks who want to stick around.


Originally from the New York area, Vincent is a 20-year veteran of audio/video production and live performance.

He attended the Berklee College of Music and is an Apple Certified Pro in Logic Studio.

His clients and employers have included Apple Computer, ESPN, Music Choice, Lawcast, Globecast North America, the University of New Mexico, The New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.


Podcasting & Vodcasting 101 is also available on:
* Webuquerque: http://webuquerque.com/Events/Podcasting-Vodcasting.php
* Duke City Fix: http://www.dukecityfix.com/events/podcasting-vodcasting-101
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=115067238768
* Webuquerque Adobe User Group: http://groups.adobe.com/posts/497b82abee

Official Website: http://webuquerque.com/Events/Podcasting-Vodcasting.php

Added by emilylewis on July 9, 2009