Podcast in a Box is an open source project licensed under the GPL. At this install-fest you can make your own Podcast in a Box: a super-simple device to broadcast automatically across the internet. Bring your own hardware or use ours. Each attendee will have the opportunity to install Box Populi software on computers we provide, or bring your own*. Step-by-step installation with the creators of Box Populi makes creating your own Podcast In a Box a snap.
Podcast in a Box is a software and hardware solution which makes it easy to broadcast (podcast) over the internet. Users simply plug in a USB key to start recording and unplug it to stop. The box handles the rest: publishing the media and managing the files that go along with it. Completely remove the effort that goes into creating online multimedia.
Meet the Creators: Install Fest offers the rare opportunity to speak one-on-one with Box Populi software designer Chris Dawson. Questions or concerns? Get the answers you need. With designer advice and assistance, become an expert at Box Populi software in minutes.
Official Website: http://boxpopuli.com/installfestlajune2007.html
Added by xrd on May 23, 2007