Pune OpenCoffee Club and Morpheus Venture Partners presents Startup Roadies. Day long meetings and discussions with MVP about your startup, or startup ideas.
About Morpheus Venture Partners
MVP runs a business advisory and mentoring program for startups. MVP currently has portfolio of more than 10 companies. Some of the companies are: Instablogs, Commonfloor, Lifemojo, Fachak, Crederity, Deskaway, Sutra.
Sameer Guglani and Nandini Hirianniah are the founding partners @ MVP. Both of them are serial entrepenuers and started their first venture Madhouse Media in 2004. Madhouse was one of the first organized movie rentals players. They successfully exited the venture with the acquisition by Seventymm in July 2007. More Info
The Startup Roadies Program
We absolutely love to meet passionate entrepreneurs whose ventures are in idea stage (not started, but want to really start) or 1-12 months into the operation. The interaction will be completely informal. Formal dresses are not a must, we want to see you as your natural self, no need to bring any presentations or any financial projections. Just come have a chat with us. Get a demo if possible, get all members of your founding team. Just ensure that you arrive on time as per the allocated slot ;-)
The goal of the exercise is to together explore solutions to some of the “tough business problems” you are dealing with. We could do that by offering advice and potential solutions based on our experience. We would also love to introduce you to relevant folks in our network who can add value - potential partners, experienced people in similar domain, potential investors etc.
At our end we are just excited to get an opportunity to meet you and learn from your experience and ideas. Each session will be conducted in the below mentioned structure
Where are we? (Get on the same page, understand the current status of the venture / idea)
* Team introduction
* Understanding your idea, market size, the problem your solving, how is your product/service different that current available solutions
* Figure out the current status of the venture - in development, alpha, beta, launched
* How much money is available to the team
Where do we want to go? (what are we looking to accomplish in the coming future)
* Discuss, debate and get clarity on the goals & milestones for
o Short term: 3 months
o Medium term: 1 year
o Long term: 3-5 years
How do we get there? (the most critical part where we together come up with the clear and measurable steps which will be taken to achieve the goals/milestones)
* Given the current status and various goals, what is the best strategy to get there
* How to proceed with execution
* Best way to raise funding
* Who are the folks to partner with
* Make a list of action items out of the interaction
Official Website: http://punetech.com/startup-roadies-morpheus-venture-partners-in-pune-21st-feb/
Added by Navin Kabra on February 16, 2009