PMP Exam prep Workshop in USA,India,MiddleEast,APAC,Africa,Europe,
PMP-blended learning (2 days classroom + 100days of online training on LMS)
This Two-Day PMP Workshop will focus on thorough understanding of Project Management Framework & Methodology.
Knowledge learned in this program will lead to Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification from the Project Management Institute.
Course structure:
2 day of Classroom Based Training
100 days training subscription to our digitized course content audio and video content are also included based on PMI’s PMBOK Fourth edition
6 PMP Practice Tests
Project management templates ready to use for projects within your organization
More learning resources on our website at no cost
Course kits:
Course materials in sync with PMI and PMBOK4th edition standards
100 days subscription for online training to our digitized course content
35 PDUs course completion certificate
Project Management templates provided as a part of the package
Unmatched post program support
Assistance in PMI application form
This workshop will be great primer for beginners and will provide new insight & fresh ideas for people with experience in Project Management.
For details Please contact
Mailto: Ph No: - 1-469-442-0620
India +9180-41100637
Added by kumar kumar on November 9, 2011
John Paul 8376
I attended the two days of training for CSM in Bangalore.A beyond above expectation.The trainer had the crystal clear view about the topic.Thanks for a good customer support from Knowledgehut.