Seasons Greetings from PMI Bangalore Chapter!!
We are thankful to the PM Community for making the PM Footprints initiative an overwhelming success. We look forward to your continued support & encouragement.
Our next PM Footprints session is scheduled on the Thursday of this week, same time, same venue as per the details given below -
The Fourth PM Footprints will take place on November 16th 2006 between 6:30pm to 8:00 pm.
And the Venue will be : Central Park, 47/1, Dickenson Rd. Manipal Center, Bangalore.
The speaker for the day will be Mr. Bharath S, PMP Alcatel Development India, who will speak on –
Reliability Model for Project Management
All participants and presenters will be entitled for 1 PDU per program and they can claim the same using the registered number for the program given by PMI Bangalore Chapter provided they satisfy the criteria to attend the program completely. As per PMI norms, an attendance register will be maintained at the venue to record the details of the participants.
The fee for the PM Footprints is Rs.200 to be paid at the venue by cash. 50% discount for current PMI Bangalore Chapter Members. (Proof of valid membership number to be produced on request to avail discount). Light refreshments will be provided at the venue.
Seats for the programs are first cum first serve basis and we recommend you to call up PMI Bangalore Chapter Office, Mr.Krishnamurthy (eMail - ) at 22370400 or 9986814078.and confirm your attendance in advance to help us plan for the seats etc.
Thanking you and looking forward to your support & active participation in PM Footprints.
With regards
Executive Committee
PMI Bangalore Chapter
Official Website:
Added by arunram on November 13, 2006