Our 5-day exam prep course has been turning
out PMPs for years -- and is guaranteed effective.
We've worked hard to make the PMBOK
material accessible, memorable, and as painless as possible. Each day
is broken up into an engaging combination of lessons, exercises, and
practice tests. All of our facilitators are thoroughly screened to make
sure they not only know the material, they can communicate it.
This course runs one day a week for five consecutive
weeks, from 9am to 4pm. We supply lunch
and morning and afternoon tea, as well as notebooks, pencils, handouts,
and a USB drive with the course material.
Please note that you may only use 7
hours from this course towards your 35 hour PM education requirement.
It's your responsibility to make sure you're eligible to sit the exam
and to submit your application by the deadline below -- but we're
happy to help! Download our FREE PMP Application and Eligibility Guide (PDF, 1.5MB), or call us on 0800 767 769 with any questions.
PMCHC310309Exam Date: 9 MayApplication Deadline: 3 AprilCourse Dates: Tuesday 31 March;Monday 6 April, Tuesdays 14, 21, 28 April
PMCHC300609Exam Date: 8 AugustApplication Deadline: 3 JulyCourse Dates: Tuesdays30 June; 7, 14, 21, 28 July
PMCHC290909Exam Date: 7 NovemberApplication Deadline: 2 OctoberCourse Dates: Tuesdays29 September; 6, 13, 20, 27 October
Organized by Falcon Training LtdFalcon Training is New Zealand's first choice in professional development.
If you are a project manager, or want to become one, you're in the right place.
Our project management training
courses are guaranteed effective. Whether you want to pass the PMP
exam, learn the PRINCE2 methodology, or simply become better at your
job, Falcon Training is on your side.
Visit us today at www.falcontraining.com
Ticket Info: - PMCHC310309, Tuesday 31 March, Monday 6 April, Tuesdays 14-28 April, NZ$2,806.88
- PMCHC300609, Tuesdays 30 June -- 28 July, NZ$2,806.88
- PMCHC290909, Tuesdays 29 September -- 27 October, NZ$2,806.88
Official Website: http://falconpmchc-upcoming.eventbrite.com