Become a more effective product manager or product marketer. Advance your career and build your resume. Sign up for the PM Fast Track today.
The 280 Group's PM Fast Track(tm) training is an intensive hands-on seminar that teaches attendees the entire product lifecycle and turns them into experts in just four days. Attendees gain the skills and knowledge to manage products in any phase of the lifecycle. Additionally, attendees receive a copy of the 280 Group Product Manager's Toolkit(TM), a set of 30 Product Management best practices templates so that they can be immediately be more effective in their jobs.
The training course covers roles and responsibilities, process efficiency, customer research, writing market and product requirements, creating business cases, writing marketing plans, positioning and messaging and a variety of other topics. Through hands-on exercises and case studies students learn how to be more productive and effective and how to avoid the most common mistakes.
Also included with the course are content retention tools, a certification test to prove mastery of the material, printed handouts, a customized course diploma, a CD with the Product Manager's Toolkit, articles covering the content and printouts with a summary of the methodology.
The 280 Group methodology, training, toolkits and templates are used by thousands of customers worldwide, including 3Com Corporation, Agile Software, Agilent Technologies, Autodesk, Cisco, Citrix, Claritas, D-Link, Dolby Laboratories, Fandango, Hewlett Packard, IBM,, NEC, NetManage, SugarCRM, Travelocity, VeriSign, VMware and Yahoo.
The 280 Group team of trainers and consultants has over 150 years of collective high-tech Product Management and Product Marketing experience spanning a wide range of software and hardware markets and products. Their trainers are experts in the realm of high-tech product management and marketing, and have extensive real-world experience.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 23, 2008