9420 Research Blvd, Echelon III Building
Austin, Texas 78759

We have found great books for the exam preparation portion to supplement our Agile & Integrated© Project Management best practices for our next week PM BootCamp & PMP®/CBAP® prep 5-day course Monday October 8th thru Friday October 12th, 8:30am to 4:30pm at St. Edward's University Professional Education in North Austin. Course descriptions and register www.SEUPEC.com. If you are considering bringing our PMBootCamp course or our PM Certificate course in-house, contact Darrel Raynor DARaynor@DataAnalysis.com or 512-968-0770 send one person for a substantial ‘evaluation’ discount.

Added by Darrel Raynor on October 3, 2012

Interested 1