What is Play Date?
It's an alternative to the typical night out.
PlayDate provides a fun and exciting atmosphere whereyou can enjoy good food & cocktails,listen to a variety of music, socialize,and meet great people all while playing games.ALL KINDS OF GAMES from Poker to Chess,Twister to UNO, Monopoly to Taboo, Hungry Hungry Hipposto Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots, and EVERYTHING in between!We even feature nostalgic favorites like Pac-Man andPlayDate Signature games like Musical Chairs, Simon Says, and Hula Hoops.
"You don't stop playing because you get old,you get old because you stop playing"
Saturday, March 21, 2009
8pm-2amHoliday ResortInn (between 10 Mile and 696)
26555 Telegraph Road, SouthfieldDirections: (248.353.7700)Who: singles, couples, groups...EVERYBODYWhat: food, drink, music, great people, and GAMES!Why: because if you wanna have FUN you gotta PLAY!Cost: $10 (free parking)Info Contact: 678.612.3292Email:
Chonda@PlayDateDetroit.comVISIT OUR NEW WEBSITEwww.PlayDateDetroit.com
Organized by PlayDate Detroit
Ticket Info: PlayDate Detroit, $10.00
Official Website: http://playdatedetroit032109-upcoming.eventbrite.com