Base ball was once a simpler game, played by gentlemen on green fields for pure recreation. Balls were caught with bare hands and good play was applauded from both sides. Playing by to Civil War-era rules with period equipment and uniforms, the Essex Base Ball Club and the Lynn Live Oaks present an exciting depiction of the customs, styles, and etiquette of base ball?s formative years. The clubs also pay homage to Cambridge?s three Hall of Fame ball players, Timothy Keefe, Joe Kelley, and John Clarkson. Visit an exhibit on the lives and careers of these Cambridge sporting legends, and learn about Cambridge?s rich base ball history. See the Hall of Famer?s uniforms modeled by members of the clubs. From 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. you?ll even have the opportunity to take your best swings against ?Clarkson? and ?Keefe? or hurl against the mighty ?Kelley?!
Played at St. Peter?s Field, Garden Street near Walden and Sherman streets More information: Brian Sheehy 978 790 5707
Added by Night Owl City on June 28, 2005