25 Bridge Street
Plattsburgh, New York 12901


Plattsburgh, NY – Plattsburgh’s roller derby team, the North Country Lumber Jills, is looking for new members. The team has organized a Fresh Meat and Greet Night, scheduled for September 17, 2010. The event is aimed at interested skaters, referees and volunteers.

Fresh Meat and Greet Night will be held at the North Country Co-Op from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. The event will feature an informal question and answer session with existing skaters and members of the North Country Lumber Jills. Attendees will be able to learn more about roller derby, the Plattsburgh team and membership opportunities. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

The team is looking for additional skating and non-skating members. Fresh Meat and Greet Night is open to all; prior derby experience is not required.

“This isn’t your grandmother’s roller derby,” says Jenny, a 39-year-old homemaker. “I love that derby has whipped me into shape and brought me close to a great group of ladies. Derby really challenges me individually, and it's great being part of the team.”

“I love roller derby and the positive female energy, but wheels on my feet stress me out too much,” says Sarah Jennette, age 21, a non-skating member and SUNY Graduate who volunteers with coaching staff and sits on the Board of Directors for the Plattsburgh Roller Derby.

The North Country Lumber Jills is an all-female, flat track roller derby team. The team is in the beginning stages of organizing, and is currently working on their official not-for-profit status. Members have also been granted permission to rent the Plattsburgh City Gym for indoor skating practice since obtaining the required insurance. For team information, please visit www.plattsburghrollerderby.com.

Watch for more to come from the North Country Lumber Jills. If you would like more information on Fresh Meat and Greet Night or the North Country Lumber Jills, please contact Jenny Scotto at 518-643-0360.


Added by plattsburghrollerderby on September 8, 2010