While giant upstream discoveries, costly pipeline projects — from the Baltic to the Black Sea — or outright political posturing capture the headlines, natural gas storage provision underpins all efforts to ensure security of supply in Europe. Within the context, too, of an evolving global market for gas and, particularly, restructuring efforts in the European markets, gas storage is a key element. Providing additional flexibility, promoting competition, and enhancing supply security are crucial factors for natural gas sector liberalization.
Platts 4th Annual European Gas Storage conference will once again bring together leading executives from across the region’s major operating companies, governments, national and regional regulatory bodies, key investors and market players to examine the key challenges and opportunities at the forefront of European gas storage industry.
Do not miss this unique opportunity to maximise your competitive edge within this fast-moving industry by:
Speakers confirmed include:
Margot Loudon, Deputy Secretary General, Eurogas
Jean-Marc Leroy, President, Gas Storage Europe
Recaredo del Potro, President, Escal UGS
Lubor Veleba, Chief Commercial Officer, RWE Storage s.r.o., Czech Republic
Walter Boltz, Chairman, E-Control GmbH (Austrian Energy Regulatory Authority)
Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Member of the Board, Verbundnetz Gas AG
Riccardo Puliti, Head of Natural Resources and Energy, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
William Powell, Senior Editor, International Gas Report, Platts
Rick Lorio, Chief Executive Officer, Continental Gas Storage B.V.
Romain Benquey, Economist, Cedigaz
Claus Obholzer, Member of the Board of Directors, E.ON Földgáz Storage Zrt.
Jan Willem van Hoogstraten, Project Director, TAQA Energy B.V.
Dr. Stephan Dewald, Managing Director Gas Storage, Wingas
Joachim Gewehr, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, European Commission
Francisco de la Flor Garcia, Director of Regulation, Enagas
Anouk Honore, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies
Mette Hansvik, Senior Marketer, RBS Sempra Energy Europe
Conference information provided by konferenciakalauz.hu
Official Website: http://www.platts.com/ConferenceDetail.aspx?xmlpath=2010/pc062/index.xml
Added by konferenciakalauz.hu on January 26, 2010