7:30 - Welcome, news, resource and information sharing
Informal, roundtable-style of the group sharing useful and interesting information.
7:45 - Platinum Printing with Digital Negatives
The same digital technology that is killing off traditional, silver-based photographic supplies is also causing a resurgence in the alternative photographic processes: albumen, cyanotype, kallitype, platinum/palladium, Vandyke, and others. Digital imaging tools like Photoshop and inkjet printers make digital internegatives possible for contact printing with these early photographic emulsions. Learn to combine traditional materials with digital techniques when Thomas Howard demonstrates Platinum Printing with Digital Negatives at this month's PHIG meeting.
If anyone would like to be inspired or read up on digital negatives, alternative processes, or platinum printing before the meeting, Thomas suggests the following references:
* Platinum/palladium artists: Dick Arentz, Kerik Kouklis, Tom Millea, Tillman Crane, Michael Mutmansky, Keith Taylor, Gary Auerbach, Clay Harmon, Dan Burkholder, Mark I. Nelson
* Digital Negatives for Contact Silver Printing article by Dan Burkholder
* Books:
o Making Digital Negatives for Contact Printing by Dan Burkholder
o Precision Digital Negatives by Mark I. Nelson
o Book of Alternative Photographic Processes by Christopher James
* Alternative Photographic Process FAQ
* Alt-Photo-Process List - very active list with an incredible archive of emails
* Mike Ware's extensive notes on alternative processes
* Analog Photography Users Group (APUG): great website with alt-process images and articles
* Center for Alternative and Historic Processes
9:30 - Wrap up and conclusion
As usual:
* there's no cost to attend
* please pass this info on to others who may have an interest
* attendees are encouraged to become Art League members
* see www.pacificartleague.org for maps and more details
Added by bjorke on January 17, 2006