Repeating: Mondays January 12-March 16th
Time: 7:00pm-9:30pm
Location: Portland State University Cramer Hall 203 1721 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201
Cost: $900 Non Credit / Term
Planning the Smart Grid for Sustainable Communities: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planning, Generating, Delivering and Using Energy for Sustainable Communities
This two-term course series will examine a set of emerging concepts, technologies, and models of system planning and delivery for electricity that are expected to transform the nation's century-old, centralized power grid into a climate and renewable-energy-friendly "Smart Grid."
Click here to download the Smart Grid Brochure:
Seminar Faculty
Gerald B. Sheblé, Ph.D
Maseeh Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Portland State University
Jeffrey Hammarlund
Adjunct Professor, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University, and President, Northwest Energy and Environmental Strategies
Pamela Lesh
Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Strategic Planning, Portland General Electric and Senior Advisor to the Natural Resource Defense Council
Official Website:
Added by sao on January 6, 2009