28 Vernon Street
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301

(1) Planned Giving workshop
Individuals and organizations all need to plan for the future. Marlboro is pleased to team up with Christine Graham of CPG Enterprises and Tom Smith of the Vermont Community Foundation to offer an advanced course in planned giving. Join us this weekend, Jan 28-29, for this special two-day course in Brattleboro.

Planned Giving programs enable individuals to make larger gifts than they could from their annual income. They are an effective way to strengthen the long-term sustainability of your nonprofit, and yet few organizations know how to take advantage of these benefits.

This workshop will range from technical understanding of planned giving vehicles, to the emotional, philanthropic and visionary choices people make as they think about estate planning. Taught by fundraising consultant Christine Graham and planned giving specialist Tom Smith, the course will look at people and organizations, and the ways they can plan for and benefit from bequests, annuities, charitable trusts, retirement funding gifts and gifts of life insurance. Case studies that consider different life situations and gift ideas will combine an interactive approach with critical information. Attention will also be given to the nonprofit organization's approach to marketing, soliciting and managing planned gifts.

The cost for both days of training is $200. Scholarships are available (email nonprofit@marlboro.edu for details). Click here to register now.

Official Website: http://mcgsplannedgiving.eventbrite.com/

Added by Common Good Vermont on January 24, 2012