Planned Giving in Plain English
Learn the basics in a one-day intensive program that gets you prepared to start (or revive) your planned giving program. We show you how to market, solicit, explain and manage planned gifts. We also provide you with an overview of the most essential planned gift arrangements, including bequests, gift annuities, stocks and bonds, real estate donations, and charitable remainder trusts.
Here's our schedule:
MORNING: Marketing and Working with Donors
*Developing Your Planned Gift Marketing Plan*Using Marketing Materials Effectively*Identifying Your Best Prospects*Getting Appointments with your Prospects *Asking for the Right Gift at the Right TimeLunch is included.
AFTERNOON: Understanding and Explaining Planned Gifts
*Wills, IRAs and other revocable gifts*Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds*Real Estate*Gift Annuities*Charitable Remainder Trusts
This is a practical nuts-and-bolts seminar that will help you achieve consistent success, whether you are a one-person shop or a large development office. This not a theoretical presentation on planned giving. You do not have to be an expert to solicit planned gifts. You will see results if you follow this system. All attendees will receive a free Planned Giving Tool-Kit CD.
Organized by Florida Philanthropic Advisors, LLC
Ticket Info: - First Attendee, $199.00
- Additional Attendees from same organization, $179.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/239817300/upcoming