Every time you present to someone it forms an impression, giving you the potential for gain or loss. Over time, if you maximise the number of positive impressions you leave when you present, it will give you an edge in getting others to act, and in producing the outcomes you want. This course will enable you to be perceived as articulate and competent through how you plan and deliver presentations. Youll learn how to handle presentation fears and nerves, how to understand your audience - what they know and how they think and feel, how to make a memorable impression, how to open a presentation and connect with your audience and how to look and sound confident through your face, body and voice. Youll also learn when and how to use (and not use) tools such as PowerPoint and how to handle questions and think and speak on your feet. Details of this event may be subject to change. Please visit http://www.cce.usyd.edu.au/course/pdmp for more information or to register.
Official Website: http://www.cce.usyd.edu.au/course/pdmp
Added by ccesydney on October 23, 2011