123 7th Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

Pittsburgh Opera invites you to Opera Straight Up, an event for young, chic Pittsburghers after Friday's performance of Samson & Dalila.

Are you in your 20s, 30s or 40s? Enjoy culture and cocktails?

Come to Samson & Dalila on Friday night, then join us following the performance at Bossa Nova!

Opera Straight Up is for hip/cultured Pittsburghers in their 20s to 40s who enjoy all kinds of music. Mingle with other operagoers, do some networking, meet new people, discuss music, politics, whatever!

Opera Straight Up offers drastically reduced tickets to some of the best seats in the house and an afterparty following every Friday night Pittsburgh Opera performance.

$35 gets you a seat for the opera and the afterparty at Bossa Nova. If you already have tickets you can come to the party for a $10 cover charge. Includes food and drinks. Must be 21 to attend - please bring your ticket stub to the door.

Friday is Black & Gold Night at the Opera, so be sure to show your Pittsburgh Pride

For more information visit our website at www.pittsburghopera.org. For tickets, call Mark Marston at 412-281-0912 ext. 216 or e-mail him at tickets@pittsburghopera.org.

Official Website: https://www.trgarts.com/eticket/o/PO/p/run_module.php?__module__=806

Added by ELabacz on October 22, 2008

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