Mapping parties are events where anyone can come along and join in improving the free world map of everything. We show you how to collect data (survey) and get the data in to OpenStreetMap. Once you put the data in to OpenStreetMap you or anybody around the world, can use the map in interesting and creative ways.
We have an event coming up in Pittsburgh on Saturday and Sunday November 15 - 16, 2008. They are informal events with no explicit time commitment and often a social element / beer afterward. You should join us.
Bring your GPS and laptop to participate fully, or borrow a GPS from us. We'll have a few to loan.
It's fun. It's Free. You can help.
* Event schedule
** Saturday 10am-5.
*** 10am experienced mappers select mapping areas and get mapping.
*** 10:30 Introduction to OpenStreetMap for beginners.
*** 4pm reconvene at venue for editing / uploading.
*** After: Social event; refreshments and discussion. (Location TBA)
** Sunday 10am-5.
*** 10am experienced mappers select mapping areas and get mapping.
*** 10:30 Introduction to OpenStreetMap for beginners
*** afternoon events as agreed Sunday morning.
* Weather: This event is rain or shine.
Official Website:
Added by mappingparty2 on October 28, 2008