115 MacDougal St (btwn Bleecker & West 3rd St)
New York, New York

Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) and Back Stage will host the networking panel, Pitch Perfect: How to Present Your Projects (and What a Producer Should Be Looking For) on Wednesday, February 18 at 7:30pm at The Players Theatre, 115 MacDougal Street (below W. 3rd Street), NYC.

Panelists include Michael Feingold, literary consultant for Theater for a New Audience, former literary manager of Yale Repertory Theater, and critic for The Village Voice; and Michael Nassar, producer, general manager and former associate artistic director of the O’Neill Center, dramaturge at The Public Theater, Manhattan Theatre Club and 7 Devils PW Conference.

Topics for discussion will include:
• Why producers choose the projects they do;
• What makes a play viable and dramatic, and what producers should be looking for when reading scripts, including some of the basics of good playwriting;
• What makes a play of interest to more than just the playwright and his immediate circle? Are “timely” and “controversial” plays hot tickets, or do they have a short shelf life? Are they often merely exploitative?
• We'll offer insights into good presentations versus messy or murky presentations of materials; and
• The producer-writer relationship: do writers and producers speak the same language? And if not, how do they find their way to the same page?

The panel will be co-moderated by Sherry Eaker, editor-at-large of Back Stage. Doors open at 7:00pm for networking and refreshments; panel begins promptly at 7:30pm. Admission is FREE for members of TRU; $12 for non-members. To reserve a space at the panel or to become a member of TRU, please call 212-714-7628 or e-mail TRUnltd@aol.com.

Official Website: http://www.truonline.org

Added by rm new york on February 8, 2009

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