1800-2000 30 April, The British Library Business and IP Centre
In business a perfect pitch can be the difference between success and failure. As an entrepreneur you may have a great product, but if you can’t inspire potential investors or customers you won’t convert business.
A perfect pitch takes practise: on 30 April, we’ll be working to get it just right. Join us to test drive your pitch. In an supportive environment we’ll work with you to refine your message, get to the point and above all deliver your pitch with confidence.
If you want to fine tune your pitch, or just want to get some top tips come along and get involved!
Members log in to register, non-members click below. Tickets: £10
Official Website: http://www.stridingout.co.uk/networking-events/london/pitch-it-networking-event-21-4-2009.html
Added by Maria-Striding Out on March 3, 2009