A Concert with Paul Hubbert on Crystal Bowls, Vocal
Harmonics & Chanting ~~~
Awakening from winter, Intending and creating the New You! ~~~
Bring your own Voices, drums, instruments as we
create Harmonic Choir through expressing our
love and gratitude to the Divine, to God, as
a tremendous healing vibration is created
and we breathe life into our intentions! ~~~
Join us in the Ghandarva Experience, as we celebrate the Piscean Full Moon! Experience the birthing of the New Age, as the Divine Feminine and Masculine blend as One. This is a time where consciousness is eager and fertile for the planting of new intentions, thoughts, ideas and beliefs. ~~~
Now is the time to invoke the intuition, vision and imagination for Transforming, Creating and Manifesting all that you desire in life and in our world, expressing as the creater being you are - as you are One with God. ~~~
The Ghandarva Ceremony is a beautiful affirmation of unity of all spiritual traditions and an experience of the celestial realms of being. Paul will chant the names of the Archangels, mystics, saints and masters of the world’s major spiritual lineages. As the energies fill the room in response to the calling of their names, participants can experience their presence directly. Paul will also lead the group in Harmonic Choir and those present can express their love and gratitude to the Divine, to God, as a tremendous healing vibration is created. ~~~
San Diego Center for Spiritual Living ~~~
1441 Sixth Ave., San Diego, CA 92101 ~~~
619-491-3087 www.sdcsl.org
Added by cookcorec on March 7, 2012