Yar! The World Famous Midnight Insanity brings you…
Pirates of Transylvania…..The Search for Booty
The Historic and Haunted QUEEN MARY
becomes the worlds LARGEST FAIRY BOAT
July 26-29 2007
Ahoy Ye Landlubbers! We, The World Famous MI would like to invite you to ANOTHER BLOODY MOTHERFUCKER OF ALL CONVENTIONS. Aaarrr cons arrr MONSTERCONS! This be our 5th INTERNATIONAL convention. We be celebratin’ the 32nd anniversary of aaaRrrHPS and the 26th Anniversary of Shock Treatment.
At FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD in 2001, we invented the extended convention. It be the first convention that went 4 days instead of 2. It kicked major booty...as you can see on arrr website. In 2005 MI Hosted the 30th Anniversary. This event was under attack by the bilge-sucking residents of Davy Jones’ Locker, attorneys for Cirque du Soleil, because of the name. They threatened to sue but backed down because of the awesome power of Rocky Horror. Once again we be planning FOUR DAYS OF ADDLED DEBAUCHERY!!! We will give you an Overload of aaaRrrHPS but also a chance to put on yer dancing shoes and splice the mainbrace. If yer work or ship don’t permit the entire event, come anyway. We be confining all RHPS/ST specific events to Friday and Saturday.
THURSDAY: Club Rocky! Registration and Reception in the Grand Salon. Live bands, DJ, Dancing, cash barrrr, food and munchies available. Join us for grog, grub and Shivering of Timbers.
FRIDAY Queen’s Salon: Grub and Merchants and Carpetbaggers and (Is it SOUP yet?) Special Original Unique Performances (YES...it is finally SOUP) by casts from around the country that took the time to get off their ass and do something entertaining to showcase the talent from their home theater. This is where ye put yerself on the Rocky (Treasure?) Map so summon all yer creativity and design a performance of ten minutes or less that bears yer own unique stamp. See website for guidelines, parameters, staging info, light and sound specs, CD submission guidelines etc. ALSO The Third occasional DAVID AWARDS going to the best of the worst among us for Exemplary Accomplishment in arbitrary fields chosen by the host cast and awarded by community vote (in some cases) and Committee Proclamation in others. Remember BEST ASS? MOST FUCKABLE? BEST Sci-Fi Horror Musical DOCUMENTARY? MOST ANAL? Well expect more of the same...but not the same…..ayyyy.
FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT: Shock Treatment with live cast. AFTERPARTY in the Royal Theater to listen to music and hang out. When ye wake up it be .....
SATURDAY JULY 28: Queen’s Salon. Visit the merchants, hang out with your buds, general announcements, costume prejudging and then we break for grub. In the evening we go to the Performing Arts Center via Double Decker bus for more special performances, and all starrrr performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
SUNDAY JULY 29: Rocky Stock Farewell Picnic
Ye may NOTE: There be various tickets available. There be tickets for the full four days, there be a ticket for those who can only come Friday and Saturday, and there be a ticket for those who can only attend the Saturday show.
CONVENTION HOTEL: Queen Mary 1126 Queens Highway Long Beach CA 90802 QueenMary.com
FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 562-432-6964. Request the Rocky Horror rate. Cabins start at $109. Registered guests receive ten dollars off con registration for two or three day pass. We recommend ye stay at the convention hotel because it is yer room reservations that help offset the costs of the ballrooms. Outside SoCal reservartions 800-437-2934. Rates guaranteed only until 6/26/7 5pm PDT.
SOUP guidelines, Costume contest guidelines, Trixie Review guidelines and live performance casting guidelines for ST and RHPS will be posted on our website several months before the convention. RHPS and ST Casting will be final by June 1, 2007
Casts or individuals hoping to do a special performance please indicate on your registration that so we can make sure ye be aware of guidelines or deadlines. Ye must have your SOUP demo CD or rough draft CD in by June 15, 2007 (email or mail). We must have a rough cut of yer recording at that time. Ye must provide yer FINAL cut of music (CD please) at registration. There should be ONLY the sound you want played on that CD so we can put it in and play it through...starting at track 1. Our sound people will put the CD in and push play...so make sure it is in order so there arrrrr no mistakes or sound problems.
Official Website: http://www.midnightinsanity.com/PirateCon/
Added by PEOPLE WHO DONT HATE FUN on July 16, 2007
Me too
Me 3! ;-)
Bad news - this thing is all about the Rocky Horror Picture Show - not pirates. Damn them for tricking me. Let's come up with something else.
I'll be attending Saturday only.