It's been a long time but do you remember this place? That's right people, almost 20 years ago, ripe with youth, brimming with anticipation, full of intention, this was our launching pad, our safety zone, our high school. And now, the time is coming upon us so MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our 20 Year Reunion. Can you believe it?
Please BUY your tickets early to save some money. Prices will go upin July. We are missing a lot of people so please forward this email to everyone you know from our class. If you are not from the Class of 1989 and would like to attend, we WELCOME YOU!
Hey - and we have a blog set up. We want to hear any current thoughts, news, remember whens from high school, anything you'd like to share. The more, the better - log in now to
http://pvhs1989reunion.wordpress.com HOTEL ROOMS are available for a limited time for $99 per room, per night. Please call the Concord Hilton at (925) 827-2000 and ask for the Pinole Valley HS Reunion room rate.
Organized by PVHS Reunion CommitteeWe're looking for help! Register now and say that you'll come onboard to assist in the planning.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird - Buy before June 1, 2009, $76.88
- Not Attending - Update Information Only, Free
Official Website: http://pvhs1989reunion-upcoming.eventbrite.com