You woke-up one day without a job, felt your back pocket hurting and realized that someone slipped you a pink one...a "pink slip" that is. Were you with Freddie or was it Indy? Whatever Mac you were with... you're not any more. Maybe you were with the Governator, who might have violated you by forcing you to swallow the "pill" you didn't want? Is your career party over? No... it's just begun.
Our Pink Slip Parties are about professional, mid- to upper-level executives who are (might be) victims of the "economic downturn" of 2008. Our parties are about banding together, networking and bonding with the recently "Pinked". We will share our experiences of why we were let off, what companies are hiring, and the "buzz words" that specific hiring managers want to hear.
Aside from the usual imbibing, commiseration and fun that every pink slip party brings, headhunters, direct-hire companies, and recruiting firms will also on-hand to learn a little bit more about what you do. Maybe you'll meet a new contact, or find a new job!
When you come in the door, you'll be given a color-coded bracelet that identifies you as a job seeker of a specific industry or a recruiter or admissions representative so you can network with the people that matter to you!
Below are the industries we will be focusing on:
1. Banking
2. Real Estate
3. Financial Services
4. IT related to banking and financial services
5. Airline/Aero Technology
6. Automotive
7. Marketing
8. Green Technology
9. Medical/Pharmaceuticals
10. Organic Foods
11. Entertainment
You can register here or go to to find out more details.
Official Website:
Added by OneKeyAway on August 16, 2008