2020 West Pensacola Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32304

"You're FIRED!"
It's time to PARTY!

The PINK SLIP Party provides an opportunity for those who are seeking employment a social atmosphere to network with potential employers and fellow "pink slip" guests.

The LARGEST PINK SLIP Party of the YEAR is Tuesday, October 20th @ AVEDA Institute!

It includes FOUR powerful "Get Hired!" Workshops with expert career and human resource panelists. THREE FREE mini-manicures, hair trims, and cosmetic makeovers by AVEDA Institute. TWO hours of FREE resume reviews, job seeking, libation sipping, and serious socializing. ONE night for those unemployed to network with employers and recruiters.

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM "Get Hired" Workshops
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Seek.Sip.Socialize

Age 21+
Professional dress please!

$5 Advance Registration (Deadline: October 16th)
$10 at the door

REGISTER online: www.tallyPINKSLIPparty.com

AVEDA Institute
Smooth Jazz Radio

Official Website: http://www.tallyPINKSLIPparty.com

Added by Eventions on October 7, 2009

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