1634 University Blvd.NE Corner of University and Indian School
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

Youngsters will be able to take workshops by the co-creator of the "Pink Panther" cartoon strip beginning this June, at UNM Continuing Education.

Los Angeles based Cartoonist Eric Teitelbaum, whose cartoons also have appeared in The New Yorker, will teach both cartooning and computer workshops for students ages 10 to 16. Each three-day mini-summer camp will be held on the campus. The courses are part of the UNM exciting Summer Youth Program.

The first class in the series, "Funny Pictures: Cartooning for Kids" will be held Monday-Wednesday, June 15-17 from 9am-12pm. Children will learn secrets of cartoon drawing, including faces, expression, caricaturing, wild animals, super heroes, creative writing and designing your own original character.

The second class, “Computer Video Game Design" will be held from 1:00pm-4:00pm, Monday-Wednesday, also on June 15-17. Teitelbaum will co-teach the workshop with noted entertainment designer, Robert Dillworth, whose creative credits include Sony, Warner and the “Red Hot Chili Peppers.” Youngsters will be introduced to video game character design, writing story lines and developing animation effects using the acclaimed software, Adobe Flash.

The Pink Panther Comic Strip appeared in international newspapers over the past four years. Original comic art will soon be seen in art galleries beginning this fall. http://dce.unm.edu/youth.htm

Added by CE_Posts on May 27, 2009