2518 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203

The Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers bring you the first annual Pink Dress Run!

There is a suggested donation of $17 - all proceeds benefit a local Pittsburgh-based breast cancer organization! Please bring some extra money and ID for bar stops along the way.

Start shopping for your pink dresses if you dont have any yet!

Pink Dress Pointers:

All ladies AND gentlemen wear a pink dress - get shopping now!
If you're shy and don't want to show off your svelte figure, you should at least adorn some form of pink somewhere - visible. You want to blend in, don't you?

However, we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when you fine lasses and lads get all decked out - think wigs, fishnets, heels....you know you want to.
No need to pre-register. Sign up when you get to OTB and know that your donation is going to help "Save the Tatas"!!!

Then we do a hash in our pink dresses. That means we follow a trail of flour, and drink alcoholic beverages.

The trail will be approximately 3 miles long and is suitable for walkers and runners of all athletic backgrounds.

Official Website: www.pgh-h3.com

Added by kimbellora on April 15, 2009

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