6575 Central Ave
St. Petersburg, Florida

* 7:00 PM: Pinellas Libertarians BOOK CLUB and Intake Meeting
We will meet to discuss books, civic action opportunities, outreach, and doings. Free materials, relaxed atmosphere, intake meeting. Share your project, book.

* 7:45 PM Activists can discuss non-partisan public office and activist opportunities.

* 8:00 PM Pinellas Libertarians hosts common ground with COFFEE CLUB Party.

Local Libertarian Book Club will host a COFFEE CLUB Party Group --
On non-partisan basis on local action common ground...bring your project or tell us of your group.

>Local Banks
>Save Shores
>Ballot fairness
>Get in local office
>Great readings
>Bring Your Issue

Starbucks St Petersburg, Florida
Corner of 66th Street North and Central.

We *Meet the 3rd Saturday of the month *Except as noted!

Note from Libertarians: We commit to hosting the Coffee activists for 3 years.
Liberals, progressives, centrists, constitution fans and of course L:ibertarians welcome.

Not affiliated with US LP or other political groups.

Bring your project and we'll share on our blog, e-group or Facebook.


Please RSVP if you plan to attend our meetings!

See: http://www.PinellasLibertarians.org for free materials and links.

Added by Pinellas Libertarians on December 10, 2010