Pimp My Blog is practical tips and tools for increasing your readership and influence, and applies to any blogging platform (with the exception of Tumblr).
It includes a very basic intro to social media like Facebook and Myspace for promotion, and primarily focuses on ways to connect with the blogging community and your desired readers, as well as how to use widgets and add-ons to help other people become evangelists for your blog.
I’ll be teaching this one on Saturday, August 30th for anyone who won't be busy tanning. This is a $150 course, from 10-2. There are only eight places in each session because it is quite intense.
Coffee and pastries are supplied. You'll need them!
Official Website: http://runningthroughrain.wordpress.com/blogging-for-beginners-from-zero-to-technorati-in-7-hours/
Added by raincoaster on August 12, 2008