175 Eighth Avenue (@19th st)
New York, New York 10011

For forty remarkable years, Pilobolus has created and performed work that uses movement to express the beauty of physical and emotional interconnectedness in conflict with the glorious possibility of individual freedom. All this translates into a compelling canon that, through both intelligent humor and melancholy, continually draws audiences to it. The company's special 40th anniversary season features three extraordinary programs that look back in delight — with works like Untitled, a 1975 winner, and Duet, a passionate piece from 1992 — and, at the same time, celebrate the amazing range of more recent endeavors that include startling multimedia initiatives and collaborations with artists representing genres far beyond the realm of dance. The season premieres highlight this amazing diversity — a mind‐boggling solo featuring flying robots from MIT's Distributed Robotics Laboratory Flight Team; a rhythmically‐propelled work created in collaboration with OK Go, the hot rock n' roll band; and a full‐company piece created with Takuya Muramastu, the principal choreographer from Dairakudakan, one of Japan's most intriguing butoh companies.


Added by minternjoyce on December 15, 2010

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