1140 Cowper Street (at Lincoln)
Palo Alto, California 94301

Coming from Colorado Springs!  The David Simpich Marionettes!

Master puppeteer David Simpich and his thirty hand-carved marionettes bring to life John Bunyan's timeless tale of a fantastic dream -- The Pilgrim's Progress. This elaborate two-hour production portrays the classic visions found in the New World's first best-seller: the Slough of Despond; Vanity Fair; the River of Death; battles with demons and dragons; imprisonment by a giant; and colorful discourse with an array of wise men and fools.

Friday, January 26 7:30 PM * Saturday, January 27 7:30 PM * Sunday, January 28, 4:30 PM

First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto
1140 Cowper Street (at Lincoln)

$15 adults, $12 children & youth
For advance reservations or more information, call 650-361-1723

Due to its length (2 hours) and content, NOT recommended for children under 8 years. Aimed at adults and older children.

David Simpich has won four Citations of Excellence from l'Union Internationale de la Marionnette, and The President's Award from the Puppeteers of America -- the highest honor in North American puppetry.

Official Website: http://www.puppetshowcase.org

Added by marydeck on December 31, 2006



You better switch that to attending, Chris


abso-fuckin-lutely. coming down from boston for this one, i haven't seen elbow since.... what, 2001?