421 Hudson Street
New York, New York 10014

Join Urban Girl Squad (http://urbangirlsquad.com/events/320/pilates-bartenieff-fusion-workout-at-equinox) and break the rules of a typical Pilates workout with Laura Ward's signature class, Pilates/Bartenieff Fusion, an exclusive Equinox treat (Note: steam room stop included post-workout). Following the famous Irmgard Bartenieff and her "Basic Six" exercises, your body and mind will experience a wild fusion of neuromuscular repatterning (sounds interesting), improved joint mobility, and overall structural strength. Warning: This experience may leave you addicted to the energy ball you're about to unleash.

Can you hear it? Your muscles are screaming, "Sign me up, Sista!" We ladies pride ourselves on our keen ability to challenge our body and mind. Well, here it is. It's the challenge that will not only deliver a kick-ass body and surreal glow, but also a powerhouse group of new workout partners. It's friendship in the bond of sweat and serenity.

* A 60-minute exclusive Pilates/Bartenieff Fusion Workout
* A Q&A session with the instructor – Laura will blow you away.
* The glow. You'll rock the glow we all desire.
* An opportunity to relax in the sauna with your new workout partners, AKA the diesel women of Urban Girl Squad. Roar.
* Giveaways. Awesome gift bags and raffle prizes
* Sweetness. We'll treat you to a Honeydrop bevvie after your workout.

Challenge yourself and sign-up today – you may never go back to the elliptical again.

This event is for ages 21+

* This event is for women only and advanced payment is required. Buy your tickets today! *

Official Website: http://urbangirlsquad.com/events/320/pilates-bartenieff-fusion-workout-at-equinox

Added by UrbanGirlSquad on June 26, 2012

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