Explore... history of this popular exercise form difference between Yoga and Pilates basic principals benefits/results of PilatesPilates focuses on developing core strength (stomach, pelvic floor,spinal muscles). The idea is to coordinate breath with focused fluidmovement, ultimately gaining a stronger body, better posture andrelief from stress.
Everyone is invited for an information session about Pilates, including a 30-minute beginnersmat class. Wear comfortable clothing and bring atowel or an exercise mat.
This program is presented by Sarah Aldrich, owner of Sarah Aldrich Pilates in New Haven (www.aldrichpilates.com)
No charge / free parking.
Organized by New Haven Free Public LibraryMain library is across from Green, corner of Elm and Temple. Yale Lot #51 on Temple Street across the street from the library opens to public at 4pm.
Event information is at (203) 946-8835.
See www.nhbulletin.blogspot.com for more information about community and library events.
Ticket Info: pilates attendee, Free
Official Website: http://pilates-upcoming.eventbrite.com