1st Ave & Pike St
Seattle, Washington 98101

Pike Place Market celebrates ongoing renovation work by creating “Around the Market in 80 Minutes,” an adventure game that encourages participants to search and discover the Market. Clues are given to participants who must locate five check-in points around the Market to be eligible to receive a prize package awarded to each event’s winner. “Around the Market in 80 Minutes” will take place the last Sunday of each month from January- June except in April, when the event will be held April 17th (to not conflict with Easter Sunday).

Players get game card at check-in tent starting at 11 a.m. on game day near Rachel the piggybank. Turn in game card before 4 p.m. that day.

Official Website: http://www.pikeplacemarket.org/news_events/aroundthemarketin80minutes

Added by Scooter D on January 21, 2011