100 6 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta

Jason Kenney, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship and Multiculturalism is speaking at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, April 14 during the noon hour.

What: Picket Jason Kenney's luncheon speech
When: Tuesday, April 14 at 11: 45am to 1:00pm
Where: Calgary Chamber of Commerce - 100 6th Avenue S.W.


Jason Kenney is the minister that allowed war resister Robin Long to be deported to the US where he was sentenced to 15 months in US military jail.

Jason Kenney is the minister who is trying to get war resister Kim Rivera, her husband and three young children (including one child born in Canada) deported.

Jason Kenney is the minister that held up the ban on British MP George Galloway into Canada.

Join us in letting Jason Kenney know that we support the war resisters, we want him to implement the motion that has been passed twice in the House of Commons allowing war resisters to stay in Canada, and we support free speech.

For more information on war resisters go to http://www.resisters.ca/

Please bring signs.

Suggestions for signs:
Kenney - Respect Parliament & Stop Deporting War Resisters
War resisters welcome here
Support war resisters
Support free speech

We will have leaflets and petitions.

If you have any questions, contact candil@shaw.ca

Added by Coillette on April 8, 2009