Demonstration of Higher Value (DHV)
Anything you can do that conveys higher survival and replication value is a DHV. For example, if you open a set and you already have two girls with you, you have demonstrated pre-selection, which is a DHV. When girls see that other girls have pre-selected you, they feel more attracted to you as a result.
If a woman discovers that you have a lot of money, it is a DHV. She will find you more attractive, all other factors being the same. But if she perceives that you are trying to impress her with your money, she will then lose attraction. This is because only lower-value people try to impress — such behavior is known as a demonstration of LOWER value, or DLV. If you are trying to impress, you must be of lower status and thus unattractive.
If a woman sees that you have a lot of social proof from gaming the room, she will feel more attracted to you, because social proof is a DHV. If, however, she sees that you are socially unaware and inept, then it is a DLV. When you DLV, it lowers her perception of your S and R value, which makes her feel emotionally less attracted.
Telling stories that are fun, interesting, and emotionally relevant, demonstrates social skill, which is a DHV. A story can also be structured to convey specific characteristics in the subtext, allowing you to surreptitiously flip attraction switches.
Negging is also a DHV, because only a high value guy would talk to her like that, and seem sincere. You must already have girls if you talk in such a way.
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Added by pickupartistvh1 on September 23, 2007