7600 John Q. Hammons Drive,
Frisco, Texas 75034

Pic Your Financial Future

Bring your significant other if you can, or come alone, but join us for a foundational event structured to create the baseline on which wealth can be built!!
Have you ever asked?
- Where did all the money go this month?
- Have you ever considered the difference between tracking your money and putting your money on track?
- Will I ever get out of this cycle of saving a little up then spending it on emergencies?
- How does anyone ever get ahead before their too old to enjoy it?
Starting to feel rhetorical?
Consider having Jim Piccolo aka "Pic" show you the simple process he uses. He isone whose been where you are and now runs 40 companies including one of the top educational companies for entreprenuers and real estate investors. Consider learning the simple methodologies he put in place long ago and has in place even today that make the difference between living an average life and living the American Dream.

Additional topics will include
How to create Net Worth?
How to balance leverage, and debt with business growth?
How to put a family budget everyone agrees on in place?
How to pay off your debt without increasing your expenses?
How to make sound investments with the extra money you do save?

Stopping asking rhetorical questions and come get the answers.
March 28, 2009
Embassy Suites Frisco
Corner of Parkwood and Gaylord Northwest of Stonebriar Mall in Frisco.
7600 John Q. Hammons Drive
Frisco, TX 75034
Hotel parking $10 /free across the street in mall parking lot.

For Further Questions email us at matthew@skywardprops.com

Organized by Skyward Properties
Skyward Properties invests time in entreprenuers in the D/FW area in order to assist them in remaining committed to their business growth while creating the processes necessary to succeed in a time frame that is acceptable to the demands of life.

Ticket Info:  Guest, $20.99

Official Website: http://picyourfuture-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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