TestFest is an annual PHP community campaign designed to increase the test coverage of the PHP language. During this four month event, PHP User Groups and individuals are encouraged to organize and execute local meet-ups for the purpose of writing new PHPTs (PHP Tests) to cover currently untested functionality of the PHP language.
Official Website: http://wiki.php.net/qa/testfest-2010
Added by Ben Longden on August 10, 2010
Absolutely! Where are you looking for info? It's quite possible I may have missed posting it somewhere!
Is this something that requires experience, or can a newbie like me do this?
@jeff I'm sure newbies can write test scripts as well as anybody... I've never been to an event like this before either
Everyone is welcome. All you need is a netbook or laptop, a basic knowledge of php and some free time on Saturday :-)
So is anybody actually attending? I was planning on doing so, but there doesn't seem to be any promotion of the event among the PHP North-West community, so I'm beginning to wonder if I'd be the only person there.